• +1 6479805509
  • canconsult1@gmail.com



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Student Visa

A student visa is an endorsement that is added to a government passport, which permits foreign students to study at a country's qualified educational institutions.

Permanent Residence Visa

A PR visa, or Permanent Resident Visa, allows you to travel to a nation, stay for a period of time, and then seek for citizenship.

Business Visa

Government authorities issue business visas to travelers who intend to conduct permissible business activities and attend meetings that do not constitute labor or employment in a specific country.

Super Visa

The Super Visa is a temporary visa given to parents and grandparents of a Canadian citizen or permanent residents of Canada,


Temporary Resident Visa

TRV is an official counterfoil document issued by a visa office that is placed in a person's passport to show that they have met the requirements for admission to Canada as a temporary resident.


We Provide The Best Way To Success Your Migration

Kanmani  is a gold medalist in  Masters degree in Political science and Public relations from University of Madras . Kanmani is the first Rank Holder in the state in her Master Degree .

Kanmani has a Honors Diploma in Immigration from Academy of Learning Canada and is licensed to practise Immigration in Canada and across the globe.


Kanmani  is Certified Immigration Practitioner  and Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant  under the authority of College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants  and a member of good standing in Canadian Association Of Professional Immigration Consultant ( CAPIC)


Kanmani Dhanasekar is appointed as commissioner of Oaths for taking affidavits under Ministry of Attorney Govt of Ontario, for Kancan Immigration services Inc.


Kanmani was the Business Head and  Chief General Manager operations  of an Automobile Company in India for a decade .

Kanmani Dhanasekar is the Founder and Chief Counsel of Kancan Immigration Services Inc.

She is a Certified Immigration Practitioner and a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) Under the authority of College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC).


Kanmani is an active number of Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC).

Study and migrate to Canada

Kanmani is the Chief Counsel and founder of Kancan Immigration Services Inc  and Indo Canada Student Services ,head quartered in Toronto , counseling and guiding aspiring clients  migrate to Canada in study permits , work permits , Express Entry, PNP ,  spousal sponsorship , Super Visa, Business and Investor Visa.


Kancan was founded with a sole purpose of helping and guiding people across the globe to move and settle in Canada with families and ensure the process is simple ,seamless, and flawless . Being very active in the Canadian Community ,  she also help newcomers to settle and integrate into the society with elan and ease.


Kanmani hails from South India ( Tamilnadu ) and provides Immigration expertise in English, Tamil, Malayalam and Telugu. Kanmani serves as founder and Executive member of many South Asian Associations , community organizations which helps in providing quick settlement and networking guidance to new comers.

Ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Get started today! Learn about Canada’s education system, find schools and apply for scholarships. EduCanada is the official Government of Canada source about studying in Canada for international students and researchers.

Find programs and costs

Know your interests and career goals? Search for programs, colleges and universities and how much they will cost.

Plan your studies

Find everything you need to know about Canada’s education system, housing for students, a pre-departure checklist and more.

Why Canada

Find out why studying at our high-quality institutions will be an experience of a lifetime and a return on your investment.

Find scholarships

Search for international scholarships and awards to study and do research in Canada. Canadians can also find scholarships to study abroad.

Work while studying

Want to work during your studies? International students are often eligible to work up to 20 hours per week.

Study permits and visas

Most international students will need a study permit to study in Canada. Find out how to apply for a study permit or visa.

Start your search

Study AI

Study and do research at top institutions offering artificial intelligence (AI) programs across Canada.

Study STEM

Discover science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) programs.

Study in French

In Francophone communities, you can study in French or in a bilingual learning environment.

7 reasons why you should choose Canada

Team Members


We are a very professional team with everyone working hard to improve.

Kanmani Dhanasekar

Founder & Chief Counsel of Kancan Immigration Services Inc.

Kanmani Dhanasekar

Founder & Chief Counsel of Kancan Immigration Services Inc.

Kanmani Dhanasekar

Founder & Chief Counsel of Kancan Immigration Services Inc.